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Clouds Lodge Uganda

5 Best Uganda Safari Lodges

5 Best Uganda Safari Lodges

Clouds Lodge Uganda

With over 30 safari lodges, Uganda is well known for its jungles wilderness safari lodges, with lovely and welcoming persons. Most of the lodges are situated in the parks with a few outside the parks but so close. Gifted with great flora and fauna in the tropical and savanna forested plains, abundant fresh water bodies

Kidepo Lodges

Best 5 Safari Lodges in Kidepo Valley National Park

Best 5 Safari Lodges in Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Lodges

Kidepo Valley National Park is East-Africa’s more remote park and unlike other wildlife parks, the lodging choices are more limited. However there are new lodges are being built just outside of the park which will improve things for visitors to the park. Here are the top 5 safari lodges where you can stay during your

5 Best Midrange Gorilla Safari Lodges

5 Best Midrange Gorilla Safari Lodges


The gorilla parks of Bwindi and Mgahinga boast a variety of safari lodges that are good value for money. These lodges offer rooms from as low as US$100 per person while enjoying mediocre services. Some of these lodges have facilities that you will find at luxury safari lodges. We bring to you the best midrange

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Best Lodges Where to Stay in Murchison Falls National Park

Best Lodges Where to Stay in Murchison Falls National Park

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The popular Murchison Falls National Park is the one of the best national parks in Uganda. Lying at the northern end of the Albertine Rift Valley, it is one of the most scenic national parks in Uganda and visitors can enjoy several interesting activities while in the park including; launch trips (boat cruises), excellent game